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Description: Homo sapiens miR-188 stem-loop
Comment: This miRNA sequence is predicted based on homology to a verified miRNA from mouse [1], later verified in human [2]. The mature sequence shown here represents the most commonly cloned form from large-scale cloning studies [2].
Differentially Expressed Target Gene: ATP6V1B2,BMP1,CACNB2,EIF1,FLJ12529,GCC2,ING1,MCAT,PRMT5,PTPRR,R3HDM1,RER1,SEPT8,TFIP11 >>more
Association:   figure  
positive:29   negative:39
miRNA Small molecule P-value Correlation
hsa-miR-188 F0447-0125 0.04152 negative
hsa-miR-188 practolol 0.04182 negative
hsa-miR-188 clotrimazole 0.04232 negative
hsa-miR-188 pinacidil 0.04307 positive
hsa-miR-188 phenoxybenzamine 0.0455 negative
hsa-miR-188 cloperastine 0.0463 negative
hsa-miR-188 STOCK1N-35874 0.0464 negative
hsa-miR-188 glibenclamide 0.04904 positive
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