Query Small Molecule
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Name: clotrimazole
DrugBank ID: DB00257
Description: An imidazole derivative with a broad spectrum of antimycotic activity. It inhibits biosynthesis of the sterol ergostol, an important component of fungal cell membranes. Its action leads to increased membrane permeability and apparent disruption of enzyme systems bound to the membrane. [PubChem]
Association:   figure  
Small molecule miRNA P-value Correlation
clotrimazole hsa-miR-368 0.00837 positive
clotrimazole hsa-miR-617 0.02149 negative
clotrimazole hsa-miR-598 0.02267 positive
clotrimazole hsa-miR-188 0.04232 negative
clotrimazole hsa-miR-432 0.04418 positive
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