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Description: Homo sapiens miR-185 stem-loop
Comment: This miRNA sequence is predicted based on homology to a verified miRNA from mouse. Its expression was later verified in human BC-1 cells. The mature sequence shown here represents the most commonly cloned form from large-scale cloning studies.
Differentially Expressed Target Gene: AAMP,ACSF2,ACSL3,ACTN4,ADCYAP1,ADD3,ADSS,AKAP6,ANAPC5,ANXA2,APH1A,ARF4,ARHGEF9,ARIH1 >>more
Association:   figure  
positive:27   negative:19
miRNA Small molecule P-value Correlation
hsa-miR-185 melatonin 0.00012 negative
hsa-miR-185 thioridazine 0.0003 positive
hsa-miR-185 metrizamide 0.00056 negative
hsa-miR-185 15-delta prostaglandin J2 0.00112 negative
hsa-miR-185 remoxipride 0.00145 positive
hsa-miR-185 prochlorperazine 0.00237 positive
hsa-miR-185 tropine 0.00316 negative
hsa-miR-185 Y-27632 0.00326 positive
hsa-miR-185 hycanthone 0.00412 positive
hsa-miR-185 lovastatin 0.00422 positive
hsa-miR-185 syrosingopine 0.00473 positive
hsa-miR-185 quinostatin 0.00495 positive
hsa-miR-185 pyrvinium 0.0055 positive
hsa-miR-185 dobutamine 0.00605 positive
hsa-miR-185 6-bromoindirubin-3'-oxime 0.00816 positive
hsa-miR-185 NS-398 0.01194 negative
hsa-miR-185 famprofazone 0.015 positive
hsa-miR-185 16,16-dimethylprostaglandin E2 0.01564 negative
hsa-miR-185 5707885 0.01576 negative
hsa-miR-185 nadide 0.01757 positive
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