Query miRNA
miRNA name:     P-value:

Description: Homo sapiens miR-15a stem-loop
Comment: Reference named this sequence miR-15. This is renamed miR-15a here to avoid confusion with miR-15b (MI0000438 ) identified later by others. This gene and miR-16 are clustered within 0.5 kb at 13q14. This region has been shown to be deleted in more than half of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias (CLL). Both miR-15a and miR-16 are deleted or down-regulated in more than two thirds of CLL cases.
Association:   figure  
positive:31   negative:15
miRNA Small molecule P-value Correlation
hsa-miR-15a metrizamide 0.0001 negative
hsa-miR-15a quinostatin 0.00062 positive
hsa-miR-15a digoxigenin 0.00104 positive
hsa-miR-15a gemfibrozil 0.00122 positive
hsa-miR-15a MS-275 0.00167 positive
hsa-miR-15a lanatoside C 0.00242 positive
hsa-miR-15a STOCK1N-28457 0.00349 positive
hsa-miR-15a staurosporine 0.00549 negative
hsa-miR-15a amantadine 0.00786 positive
hsa-miR-15a thioproperazine 0.00817 positive
hsa-miR-15a beta-escin 0.00888 positive
hsa-miR-15a quipazine 0.00937 positive
hsa-miR-15a 15(S)-15-methylprostaglandin E2 0.00975 negative
hsa-miR-15a prochlorperazine 0.01147 positive
hsa-miR-15a colchicine 0.01196 positive
hsa-miR-15a 5279552 0.01272 negative
hsa-miR-15a nilutamide 0.01307 positive
hsa-miR-15a cefotaxime 0.01326 positive
hsa-miR-15a digoxin 0.01556 positive
hsa-miR-15a puromycin 0.01627 positive
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