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Name: nilutamide
DrugBank ID: DB00665
Description: Nilutamide is an antineoplastic hormonal agent primarily used in the treatment of prostate cancer. Nilutamide is a pure, nonsteroidal anti-androgen with affinity for androgen receptors (but not for progestogen, estrogen, or glucocorticoid receptors). Consequently, Nilutamide blocks the action of androgens of adrenal and testicular origin that stimulate the growth of normal and malignant prostatic tissue. Prostate cancer is mostly androgen-dependent and can be treated with surgical or chemical castration. To date, antiandrogen monotherapy has not consistently been shown to be equivalent to castration.
Association:   figure  
Small molecule miRNA P-value Correlation
nilutamide hsa-miR-15a 0.01307 positive
nilutamide hsa-miR-617 0.01794 positive
nilutamide hsa-miR-181c 0.02896 positive
nilutamide hsa-miR-494 0.03873 positive
nilutamide hsa-miR-134 0.04178 positive
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