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Name: molindone
DrugBank ID: DB01618
Description: An indole derivative effective in schizophrenia and other psychoses and possibly useful in the treatment of the aggressive type of undersocialized conduct disorder. Molindone has much lower affinity for D2 receptors than most antipsychotic agents and has a relatively low affinity for D1 receptors. It has only low to moderate affinity for cholinergic and alpha-adrenergic receptors. Some electrophysiologic data from animals indicate that molindone has certain characteristics that resemble those of clozapine. (From AMA Drug Evaluations Annual, 1994, p283)
Association:   figure  
Small molecule miRNA P-value Correlation
molindone hsa-miR-368 0.00549 negative
molindone hsa-miR-185 0.02067 negative
molindone hsa-miR-601 0.03312 negative
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