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Name: dinoprostone
DrugBank ID: DB00917
Description: Dinoprostone is a naturally occurring prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). It has important effects in labour. It also stimulates osteoblasts to release factors which stimualtes bone resorption by osteoclasts. As a prescription drug it is used as a vaginal suppository, to prepare the cervix for labour and to induce labour.
Association:   figure  
Small molecule miRNA P-value Correlation
dinoprostone hsa-miR-598 0.01233 positive
dinoprostone hsa-miR-30e-5p 0.01761 negative
dinoprostone hsa-miR-575 0.01975 positive
dinoprostone hsa-miR-382 0.0252 positive
dinoprostone hsa-miR-494 0.02632 positive
dinoprostone hsa-miR-95 0.02823 negative
dinoprostone hsa-miR-15a 0.04327 positive
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