
  • Compound:1164
  • SNP:126757
  • miRNA:319
  • Gene:17625
  • CRmiRSNP:150

Query Form:

Compound search   SNP search   miRNA search   Gene search

Search Description

Compound Search: Users can get acess to the complete information (including CRmiRSNP, SNP, miRNA and gene) for the interested compound through selecting Compound search option and query with NSC identifier or compound name, such as NSC 17 or 4-AMINO-3-PENTADECYLPHENOL.

Snp Search: Users can get access to the basic and chemotheray resistance information of the interested snp through selecting SNP search option and query with dbSNP id, such as rs3731854.

miRNA Search: Users can get access to the basic and chemotherapy resistance information of the interested miRNA through selecting miRNA search option and query with miRNA precursor or mature name, such as hsa-mir-221 or hsa-miR-221-5p.

Gene Search: Users can get access to the basic and chemotherapy resistance information of the interested gene through selecting Gene search option and query with gene symbol, such as BCL2L11.