
  • Compound:1164
  • SNP:126757
  • miRNA:319
  • Gene:17625
  • CRmiRSNP:150


Browse Compound

Compound Browse: Entire 1164 Compounds collected in the database can be browsed. Through this section, users can easily get access to the basic descriptions and various extensions of each interested compound. Additionally, this section can be also regarded as a directory with a large number of links to guide users to obtain comprehensive details. The section includes following items: NSC (NSC identifier of small molecule), Compound (name of small molecule), Molecule (molecular formula of small molecule), PubChem (pubchem substance id of small molecule).

Browse CRmiRSNP

CRmiRSNP Browse: Entire 150 CRmiRSNPs collected in the database can be browsed. Through this section, users can easily get access to the basic descriptions and various extensions of each interested CRmiRSNP. Additionally, this section can be also regarded as a directory with a large number of links to guide users to obtain comprehensive details. The section includes following items: CRmiRSNP (dbSNP id of CRmiRSNP), Type (locating area type of CRmiRSNP), Chromosome (locating chromosome of CRmiRSNP), Location (chromosomal location of CRmiRSNP), Allele (allele of CRmiRSNP).