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Description: Homo sapiens miR-95 stem-loop
Comment: This sequence is localised to chromosome 4 and was named mir-95-4 in reference.
Differentially Expressed Target Gene: ANKMY2,ARPP-19,ATP8A2,C5orf22,CAPZA1,CASD1,CUL4B,EMP1,FAM49B,FBXL2,FHL2,GCLC,GOLGA4,GOLGB1 >>more
Association:   figure  
positive:35   negative:31
miRNA Small molecule P-value Correlation
hsa-miR-95 albendazole 0.04637 positive
hsa-miR-95 clobetasol 0.04697 positive
hsa-miR-95 3-hydroxy-DL-kynurenine 0.04753 positive
hsa-miR-95 1,4-chrysenequinone 0.04801 positive
hsa-miR-95 Prestwick-675 0.04852 negative
hsa-miR-95 felbinac 0.04884 negative
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